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Unlock iOS 7.1 iPhone 4S / 4 / 5 / 5c / 5S with Contract


Users who have installed iOS 7.1 once Apple released it earlier this week are now wondering how to unlock iPhone with iOS 7.1 firmware. 

It is still possible, so there is nothing to worry about. If your iPhone 5 AT&T with contract or any other model [4S / 5c / 5S], any network [O2, Vodafone, Verizon etc.] is locked there is a great unlocking method you can use.

Let’s start from the beginning. We’ll describe the most popular unlock solutions and explain which ones support the latest operating system firmware and which don’t.

Unlock iOS 7.1 iPhone 4S with Gevey and SAM

Well-known methods, GEVEY and SAM unlock, can’t be applied for the new Apple firmware. Why? Both solutions require a jailbroken smartphone. iOS 7.1 jailbreak is not possible at the moment. Evasi0n7 program stopped working because the Cupertino-based company killed its exploits.

Once hackers present another tool or update their Evasi0n for jailbreaking iOS 7.1 we’ll explain how you can use SAM unlock with activation tickets saved and GEVEY SIM unlocking method.

Unlock iOS 7.1 iPhone 5 / 5S / 5c / 4S / 4

There is a good factory unlock for all iPhone models, all carriers and all iOS versions, including the most recent one. This is IMEI unlocking tool that supports all activated smartphones and is affordable. It is distant and fast solution you can get in any country across the world.

There are a lot of services where you can order it. Just make sure you choose a trusted company with positive reviews. Place your order and wait till your new status becomes permanently “unlocked.” This is not difficult, and the whole process takes from 1 day to about 15-16 days depending on your network and country.

Unlock iOS 7.1 iPhone 5 / 4S / 5c / 5S from AT&T and Other Carriers

Once you are unlocked you will be able to install iOS 8 and any other new firmware without being re-locked. You’ll get an opportunity to switch SIMs, restore via iTunes, jailbreak and do other staff being able to communicate for cheap pricing anywhere you are.


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