Don't worry if your Facebook Messenger is not working, you can still enjoy Facebook chat without Messenger on your iPhone. Here is how to do this.
Is it possible to chat on Facebook without being on Facebook? It is actually possible on the iPhone as users can now continue Facebook chat without Messenger. In other words, you don’t have to install Facebook Messenger application on your smartphone as you can talk with your friends using this guide.Issues to Overcome with iPhone Facebook App
Sometimes iOS users experience iPhone Facebook Messenger not working problems. There is no need to go through this as you can be on this social network and not use Messenger at all, but only if your smartphone is jailbroken.iOS 7 devices can be jailbroken with Pangu and Evasi0n untethered tools that support versions up to 7.1.2. iPhone Facebook chat can be improved if you install a simple tweak called FBNoNeedMessenger which doesn’t allow the social network program to redirect your iDevice to the Facebook Messenger program each time you click on Messages menu.
iPhone Facebook No Need Messenger iOS 7 Tweak
Thus, if you have iPhone Facebook app, jailbroken and don’t want to install the second app [Facebook Messenger] you can simply download the free Cydia tweak mentioned above and chat with your friends with ease.The jailbreak application allows you using the old version that has in-built chat option which is nice if you get frustrated when you are redirected to Messenger. Maybe Facebook will soon fix the issue that a lot of users are not happy about, but for now this trick can save your time and nerves.
Facebook Messenger for iPhone can still be used if you are not annoyed by it. It’s up to you whether to continue using the social network the way it works [with redirection] or chat on Facebook without Messenger after jailbreak.
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