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How to jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 on iphone 6

Today i will help you jailbreak iphone 6 using iOS 8.1.1, and you can use this for jailbreak  iPod and iPad using iOS 8.0 throght 8.2 (beta)

Step 1: Go to or use this link for download TaiG latest version.after downloaded extract it to Desktop

Step 2: Your computer need install itunes. and connect your device to itunes.

Step 3: Restore your device to iOS 8.1.1 using iTunes (option)

Step 4: On your device go to Setting -> iCloud => logout your iCloud accont

Step 5: Turn off Passcode : go to Setting -> Touch ID & Passcode for turn of

Step 6: Turn on Air plane mode

Step 7: Right click on TaiG icon select Run as Administrator

Step 8: Connect your device to TaiG and remove option in "3K...." this option for remove china app store and click on "green button" to jailbreak

Step 9: Wait TaiG working and your device has been restart, after finish it TaiG has showing smile icon.

Step 10: Restart your device for finish. after this Cydia icon has showing on screen.

10 Best iOS 8 Cydia Tweaks You need Install after jaibreaked

See this video : 


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